Community Education Services
Many inner-city youth have very few educational influences in their lives. Therefore, they may lack the emotional support and guidance needed to complete high school and pursue higher education. Our goal is to provide support and guidance for inner-city youth in pursuit of scholastic accomplishments.
Positive Social and Cultural Development
Positive social and cultural development is a process which exposes young people to diverse experiences while encouraging them to desire a positive and rewarding way of life. This includes sporting events, fitness programs, and exposure to the arts, which are vital to our Positive social and Cultural Development Program.
Community Diversion Program
Community Diversion provides young people the opportunity to complete court-ordered community service hours. Individuals accepted into the Community Diversion Program will be supported and mentored throughout the process of meeting their requirements.
Why We Are Here
Omaha has sadly become one of the nation’s leaders in the categories of youth crime and high school dropout. This fact is especially saddening when one considers that, historically, Omaha was once considered one of the best cities in America to raise children. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. For many Omaha natives, the streets that once played host to youthful games are now the battle ground for violent youth gang activity. The manifestation of this tragedy has been made possible by public apathy, political simplicity, and the collapse of the family. Many people believed that by simply ignoring the problem of youth delinquency and violence, it would simply go away. Others proposed the implementation of superficial campaigns with catchy slogans as a cure. The Stay in School Stop the Violence Project’s main position is: If society is going to expect young people to do better and say “no” to negative influences, young people are going to need more positive opportunities to which they can say “yes.”